I’ve been absent for a few days, because we had a really busy weekend and everything else had to take a backseat for a few days, but I’m back in the saddle today and getting things done. Just some of what’s been going on around here…
- I’m designing a new web site for one of my customers, who is starting up a new business. They need it done quickly, so I’ve been working on it almost daily.
- Just over a week ago, I agreed to photograph a friend’s wedding that was being held Saturday (my first paying photography gig!). Because it was a last-minute thing and my first time photographing wedding, I had to spend a good bit of time preparing for that – getting my gear together, borrowing some extra gear from a friend, making a shot list, reading up on wedding photography, scanning through professional wedding galleries, etc. Then Saturday was spent at the wedding, and Sunday I started culling through the photos and taking a first pass at editing them.
- My daughter was off school for Good Friday, and we had some friends coming over for a playdate and dinner at our house. Then some family stayed at our house overnight on their way home from a Spring Break trip to Florida.
- On Easter Sunday, we went to church, then hunted eggs in the house from the Easter Bunny, and in the evening, we went next door for an Easter egg hunt and dinner with our friends in the neighborhood.
Between the wedding and several other big events lately (school field trip, a friend’s birthday, Easter, etc.), I’m way behind on editing pictures, but hope to catch back up on that in the coming weeks and start sharing more pictures here. Today I’m just trying to get caught up on the regular stuff like dishes and laundry and tidying.
Oh, and I can’t share any pics from the wedding yet, but it went very well, and I’ve decided that I do want to start doing some professional photography (children and families, though, not weddings). My mind has been spinning thinking about all I need to do to get that started. But last night, a neighbor asked me to do a Spring photo shoot of her two kids, so maybe things really will start happening on that front…
I will leave you with a belated “Happy Easter” photo from yesterday. Enjoy!
I’ve got soooo many ideas in my head for blog posts that I can hardly wait to share. I hope you’ll follow the blog on Facebook, Twitter (@kelley_today), or via RSS. FYI: Now that Google Reader is going away, I’ve been trying out bloglovin’ and feedly and, although they aren’t quite the same as Google Reader, I can recommend both.
Thanks for reading my blog. Time to take on the rest of my day!