Rough day today, but I did have some productive parts of the day, so it wasn’t all bad. And I did learn one important lesson – sign up to volunteer for school events early instead of showing up at the last minute, so I don’t get stuck watching the 3rd graders. I have a preschooler – I’m not equipped to handle 3rd grade! LOL. I also learned that I need to keep my daughter’s ballet bag packed at all times so it’s ready to go, and she doesn’t end up getting ready for ballet class with 3 pair of pink tights, but no leotard or ballet shoes. (Did I mention it was a rough day?)
On a more positive note, I was able to wash and dry a load of laundry (my goal is to do one load of laundry each day), and I kept up with washing dishes so they didn’t pile up in the sink. I also ordered some last-minute baby gifts for my sister-in-law and for a friend, both of whom are having babies soon. Then I volunteered at the school for a few hours to help with a Teacher Appreciation luncheon.
After school, I counted up the Box Tops and Labels for Education to send in with my daughter to help her class with the school competition. That was easy since I always put them in a little Longaberger basket on my kitchen counter (similar to this one except it has a lid). It’s one of the systems I have that has worked well to keep one tiny thing in my life organized for the past few years. And dinner was easy thanks to a thawed container of shredded chicken taco meat I pulled out of the freezer this morning. It’s one of our popular dinners around here, and one of my favorite things to freeze for leftovers.
And, in more exciting news… One of the reasons I started this blog was to help motivate me to work on my photography skills with the goal to work up to possibly doing some professional photography. Well, I found a deal online for a local photography workshop and I signed up today! In June, I’ll be doing a 3-hour children’s photography workshop with a local professional photographer. I’m super excited – I just wish it were sooner! Also today, my husband offered my services to a friend/coworker who is getting married next weekend. It’s a second marriage for both the bride and groom so they weren’t going to spend the money on a wedding photographer, and were just going to have family take pictures for them, but when Paul suggested I could go to the wedding and take pictures for them, they were over the moon and agreed to pay me to take their wedding pictures! I have no interest in becoming a wedding photographer, but I’m glad to help this couple out because I know them both and would like to help them get better wedding pictures than whatever the bride’s mother would be able to snap on whatever camera she has. Wish me luck!
Tomorrow I’ll share my recipe for shredded chicken tacos. For now, I’ve got to get to sleep. Thanks for reading my blog!