My daughter loves to do crafts, and we figured what better way to break-in the new craft table in her playroom than to do a fun Easter craft together! I was inspired by this post that Kelly (not me) posted over on The Pretty Bee. Kelly and her son made some cute Easter egg decorations with strips she cut out of scrapbook paper with her paper cutter. I don’t know the age of her son, but my daughter loves to cut paper, and it’s a good readiness skill for Kindergarten, so I just handed her a stack of pastel office and scrapbook paper and let her go to town cutting the paper into strips.
Here’s what she ended up with…
I printed out an Easter Egg template that I had from last year on to white card stock, and I cut out the center. Then we glued the strips on to the back of the template. On The Pretty Bee, Kelly glued the strips to a plain piece of cardstock and then put the template over it at the end, but I somehow missed that detail. I wish we would have done it that way that way though, because I think the strips would have stayed down a little better. She also glued them horizontally, but my little artist wanted them to be vertical stripes, so that’s how we did it.
The one fun part about doing it upside down though is that we could only peek and see how it was coming along. When we were all finished, Andrea flipped the paper over and gasped and said it was “sooo beautiful”! It was priceless. I love how excited she gets about her crafts and artwork. I’m not very artistic myself, so I wasn’t sure what I’d think of the crooked cuts on her strips of paper, but I actually think the imperfections from having her cut it on her own really make it unique.

To give it a little more structure, I then glued a solid piece of cardstock to the back of it. That’s when I realized I should have done it differently in the first place, but oh well.
Here’s the final product (before I trimmed the excess paper off).
Then, as often happens, Andrea was inspired by our craft to do another Easter egg craft on her own. While I was cooking dinner last night, she made this:
That’s a sleeping moon in the middle of the egg with a nose and a smile, and no eye, because his eyes are closed, she says. She wanted it to be for the Easter Bunny, so she cut out some other paper to write a note to go with it. She asked us to help her spell out her message, and then she drew a tiny bunny and carrot in the corner for the Easter Bunny. (All this has her wondering if the Easter Bunny is a boy or a girl bunny, by the way. Anyone know???)
All in all, it was a very fun and successful afternoon/evening of crafting I thought.
Andrea can’t wait to do another Easter craft on her new table, so I’m sure we’ll be doing more over the next few days.
Happy Easter!
Thanks for reading my blog. Time to take on the rest of my day!
Love the “imperfections”!!! That’s what makes it unique and not store bought. Saw this craft and pinned it thinking of your little artist at the time.
It looks great! I’m so glad you had fun with this! Your daughter is adorable, I love her Little Mermaid dress.
Kelly recently posted…Appliance Rebellion.
Thank you for the great idea! When I saw it on your blog, I knew we’d have to try it. 🙂